"Nature is the purest portal to inner peace" Angie Weiland-Crosby
As Fall approaches here in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the perfect time to show up fully in nature and to take in the natural peeling of layers, as nature prepares to rest, which gives us permission to rest as well. This is an opportunity to be introspective and take a break from the fast-paced world we live in and our external distractions. Have you ever marveled at the strength and fragility of the mighty Aspen trees as their colors change from their full green rebirth every Spring, to vibrant Fall colors of yellow, orange & red, then the wind whips up and strips them naked, exposing their pale bark, skeletal stature, and all the scars from the years of life they have lived? Nature provides a window for us to peer into the many ways we can learn about ourselves. By observing the ever-changing cycles in nature, we can become more comfortable with the changes in our own lives and see them as a natural transition and be gentler with ourselves. Nature provides us with a front row seat to adaptability in our ever-changing circumstances, as well as opening us up to a new fresh perspective when we get stuck. Take time today to observe what nature has to teach you. One of my favorite books is "Earth is Holding You", written by Pixie Lighthorse and Illustrated by Flora Bowley. Pixie Lighthorse reminds us to “connect with animals, plants, and minerals for support in being on earth. Seek shelter in trees, clouds, mountains, rivers, and lakes. Nurture your spirit with rainbows, inspire your feelings to flow like waterfalls, be energized by the creative forces of lightning, become resilient and trusting by remembering that everything in nature contains just what it needs to be well.” Try this simple earthing/meditation practice out in nature. Earthing is a practice that Indigenous societies have practiced throughout history for its healing powers. The belief is that earthing restores the connection between the body and the electrical currents that naturally occur in the earth. Below is a short meditation grounding you can listen to and practice. Meditative Earthing/Grounding Practice
"In Nature Nothing is perfect and everything is perfect" Alice Walker
Nature is Calling Us to Rest & Renew
Mar 11, 2024 |
1 minutes
Elizabeth is the founder of the Conscious Dying Collective. She has found her perfect fit in guiding both the dying to their next great adventure, and students through their end-of-life Conscious Dying education journey. Nothing makes her happier than gently guiding students on their path to determine the best outcome for themselves and the collective whole.
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